


We appreciate your interest in the upcoming symposium in Magdeburg. To secure your participation, please register until August 10 using the form below. Please note that the number of available slots is limited and registrations will be processes in the order they are received. Thank you for your cooperation.
Registratration form
Please transfer the participation fee of 150EUR to the following bank account:
  • Recipient: Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology
  • IBAN: DE43 8108 0000 0319 5004 00
  • BIC / Swift: DRESDEFF810
  • Bank: Commerzbank Magdeburg
  • Reference: Syntophagy – KT 22104 – Your name
When making the payment, be sure to include the payment reference with your name. The fee covers conference attendance, as well as lunch and dinner during the event (excluding travel and accommodation costs). Your registration will be confirmed upon receipt of the participation fee. Please note that the number of available slots is limited and registrations will be processes in the order they are received.